Devin Nunes trying to rescue California from insanity

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I can imagine our friends in the other 49 states muttering, “Lots of luck!” after reading the headline just above. California is, as the old quip goes, “the land of fruits and nuts.” But with Gavin Newsom facing a recall election, the plan to shut down the nuclear power plant that provides almost 10% of the state’s electric power is obvious madness. Just the News reports:

California’s push for clean energy has already created hardship for consumers, from a 40% decade-long climb in electricity costs to rolling blackouts that loom as a threat every heat wave. Now the state is poised to exacerbate that crisis with plans to retire its last remaining, zero-carbon emissions nuclear plant in 2025.

The planned closure of Diablo Canyon, approved by the state in 2018, will take offline another 2200 megawatts of electricity production — nearly 10% of the state’s needs — with no ready replacement. As many as 3 million consumers could be impacted.

Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), one of the senior members of the state’s congressional delegation, told Just the News he is moving to stop the closure.

This week, he is introducing new legislation called the Clean Energy Protection Act to, among other things, prohibit California from shuttering Diablo Canyon and instead to increase its capacity.

Of course, Nunes’s plan will go only as far as Nancy Pelosi permits, and with her speakership hostage to the left-wing crazies of all stripes in the Democrat caucus, she will deep-six it. The greenies don’t seem to care if people in the Central Valley die of heat exposure with no air-conditioning. They don’t care if businesses shut down when electricity is not available. They are fanatics. They don’t even care that nuclear power emits no CO2.

But I do wonder how long Californians will put up with blackouts and staggering electricity bills.

There is almost no chance that local media will offer much coverage of Nunes’s efforts. And when the blackouts come, they will blame global warming and SUVs and clamor for Prius subsidies. Even with electricity in such short supply that electric car–owners are being begged to recharge them during the day (when most presumably are at work) because solar and wind power fall off at night.