Startling anonymous post from a claimed Biden ex-staffer lays out the alleged depths of his dementia

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Normally, I would spurn the idea of citing an anonymous post that purports to contain inside information on a presidential candidate. But two factors currently weigh on my mind, causing me to make an exception.

One is that MSM Trump-haters have no compunction at all over relying exclusively on anonymous sources. The Atlantic used to be prestigious, and regarded as the gold standard for rigorous reporting and editing, and yet went with allegations against President Trump that are completely incongruent with his other behavior: expressing contempt for wounded and dead veterans.

That alone would not be enough.

But the other factor is more serious and directly relevant to the anonymous post I am about to cite.

The Biden campaign clearly is hiding their candidate from exposure to circumstances that might test his mental acuity and vigor on a sustained basis. We now have direct evidence that the campaign has been deceiving the public by using a teleprompter for Biden to read when allegedly answering questions in an alleged interview. The campaign’s chief spokesman evaded answering a direct question about teleprompter use during faux interviews.

Thus, we know that the critical question of Biden’s ability to discharge his duties if elected is being deceptively evaded. That, in my mind, opens the door to consider what is claimed to be an insider’s account of the true state of Biden’s health, now that we know his campaign would deceive us on this question.

What follows is a transcript of a posting that originally appeared online here. While remaining utterly skeptical, please see how well the allegations fit with the behavior that we have seen. To my mind, they fit observable Biden behavior like a glove. If this is disinformation, it is done very well.

FORMER BIDEN CAMPAIGN STAFFER: Joe Biden is in the early stages of dementia and is on medication for it.

“This is the big one, and the one I have the least direct experience with, but it’s been an open secret for some time. Anyone who has had a relative with Alzheimer’s or dementia can tell you, there are good days and bad days. On the good days, when Joe is at his most lucid, his campaign manager Jen will send him out for photo ops or TV interviews… make hay while the sun is shining, you know? On the bad days, Jen just tells the press pool “No Joe today,” and they’re all like, “Okay, cool!” Most of the time, he’s just a little foggy and gets really agitated. But one of my co-workers told me that back in May, there was a day where he thought he was running against Gary Hart in the ’84 primary again. Joe went under wraps for several days after that.

He’s been more lucid recently because his physician, Dr. O’Connor, put him on Namenda. Jen apparently was worried about someone finding it out, because she insisted that he prescribe it under a series of phony names, and then have the interns pick it up. I bet there are a lot of pharmacists in Philly wondering why there are so many young people on Namenda.

The dementia medication has had, um… unfortunate side effects.

There’s no dancing around this… the medication has made Joe incontinent. Though his “good days” have increased dramatically, he can barely get through a press event without running to the bathroom. That’s why he didn’t take questions after announcing Harris as his running mate. They weren’t afraid of the questions, the press loves him… they were afraid he was going to piss his pants on-camera. Lately, Jen’s been having closed-door meetings to discuss which brand of incontinence pads would be best to purchase. Seriously, a group of paid staffers sat around and discussed which brands were the least visible, the least likely to leak, and wouldn’t audibly “crinkle.”

That’s around the time I left the campaign. I can’t be a party to this sick game anymore. I never really liked Joe Biden, but he deserves better than to be thrust into the public eye when he should be in memory care. His wife should put a stop to this, but she’s way too excited about being “First Lady” to care about her ailing husband.”

If memories of Biden’s behavior are not fresh in your mind, please read Howie Carr’s column today, which chronicles a number of instances that are consistent with serious dementia. For instance:

…soon he began reading — or trying to read — some statistics. Numbers are not Dementia Joe’s forte, to put it mildly.

This day, he kept repeating the word “military.” But the actual virus numbers were for Michigan, the state he was in, in addition to his perpetual state of confusion.

Perhaps his handlers wrote “MI,” assuming that even someone as simple as Joe Biden could put two and two together. If so, they were misinformed.

“U.S. COVID-infected military uh excuse me U.S. COVID-infected in America, six thousand 344,700 U.S. COVID deaths one thousand 189,506. Military COVID-infected 118,984. Military COVID deaths 6114.”

Actually, Mr. Vice President, the military’s death toll is exactly seven. The fatalities in Michigan, where you were babbling, is actually closer to that six-thousand figure.

Way off, but this is a guy who’s earlier pegged the number of deaths in the panic as 120 million (at the time it was 120,000).

He has also claimed that 150,000,000 Americans have been killed by firearms since 2007, but let’s move on to his proposals for tax rates.

“If you change the tax rate it went from 38 percent to 21. If you just send it back to 20 uh — 38%, um, if you — 36% to 28, that’s what we started trying to do.”

Even more significant than an inability to handle numbers (in a guy who has voted on countless budgets while in the Senate) is Joe’s pattern of disappearing into his basement for days, as if waiting for “good days.”

If Biden is indeed on Alzheimer’s meds and his family and campaign thus are aware of his medical condition, then we have a pretty clear case of elder abuse.

I repeat: this is not necessarily a genuine post from an ex-insider. But why has Biden refused to take a cognitive ability test? Given the teleprompter deception his campaign has employed, they owe us evidence of his mental fitness for office.